Monday, January 22, 2007

'lots of posts day' #3

'Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.' -Arthur C. Clarke
Partial explanation for elem. skill in IH plus really quick character-match chart.

Fire (Gale): heat energy generation (gas flamethowers?) via matter conversion to energy (thermite burn?)
Elec (Kain): emp generation/plasma arcs via matter conversion
Wind (Cara): weaker combination of the above; convection, etc.
Ice (Lowen): endothermic chemical reactions/nanoscale reaction particles suck moisture from air (less energy taken from generator while in clouded areas?)
Water (Alexander): hyper-fast nuclear modification + seeding for water particle creation? some form of containment is necessary
Earth (Sarisa?): gravity field alteration ??? (ask again later)
Life (WIZ-01): computer-based holograms (solid interface--no clue how that happens)
Light (Tian): photon/mid-band laser/nitrogen laser generation through nuclear? reactions and atmospheric material
Dark (Antinomy): absorbs light like light bulbs absorb darkness (no explanation whatsoever it's just there)
Null (Nightmare/Elias (Unu)): manipulates four/three/two quantum universal forces to bend spacetime?
<天才>: sheer power of literary convenience, contrivance and arrogance


paradoxically correct said...

you're so far ahead of me on such matters.
best? supermagnet. worst? aspirin and gunshot wound.
/me is pathetic.

Sonuna said...

Ah, but CM keeps some pretense of sanity rather successfully.

... IH differs.