Monday, January 22, 2007

standardized naming conventions

A full list of plots presently in my head, presumably by timeline. Prismatic's location is a bit fuzzy. It has to be, logically, before Serena's appearance and significantly before KC/DeM... possibly the first story chronological in the 'new kmv'. I'm not sure.
Church Organ 1/2 have to be in between IH:Peri and 50W, as the Agents are active and 'Agent U.' isn't yet in the Dark Odyssey Collective universe.
Yes, 2005/2004 both have Official Rewrite Titles for some random reason (largely because I now have a number of prequels and just calling 05 'the prequel' gets confusing)
Anything not IH/Pris/50W is a Distinctly Unfinished Story Which Is Probably Short. I can't even remember what LHS stands for, but it sounds odd enough.

IH 2005/Prequel = IH : Aphelion
IH 2004/Original = IH : Perihelion
(Church Organ Mel. 1/2)?
50 Ways to Steal the Hope Diamond/2006-A
IH : Keystone Crisis
IH : Deus ex Machina (more properly Dea ex Machina--but who's counting?)

Yes, this will have made very little sense to the vast majority of people, in all probability.

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