Friday, August 10, 2007

character profile v2 - julien trevelyan

Age: ???
Psuedoclass: Worldwalker / Gadgeteer Genius [Chaotic Good]
Homeworld: The Sphere

History: Generally speaking, Julien was among the first (if not the first) main characters present in the KMV after it reset. Perhaps because of this, not much in the way of a family history exists for her; for all practical purposes she began existing when she first arrived at Polyscience as a student, where after about six years she entered into competition for a faculty position at the same with one Sterling Donovan. In the end, she exposed a past epic research-stealing incident, after which her position was duly cemented. Around five years' worth of research later, Julien abruptly resigned to move up north into the middle of nowhere, holing up in a familiar dark red front door-ed mansion.

A year after this, the Magometry Research Agency dispatched a field agent to locate her and monitor unusual behavior. Several months later that agent's cover was debunked, and both the MRA and Julien became aware of Sterling's return. At the end of the parallel file known as Prismatic, she was simply left at the edge of the world, watching the remnants of his plan dissipate into the void between universes...

Yet another year later, she vanished with her mansion overnight in what seemed like a soundless explosion which released several unidentified forms of energy.

Since this, among other things, Julien manufactured a one-off method for copying character data (creating Serena Kuiper) and began refining the world-walking engine prototype responsible for her earlier disappearance. Presently, she is traveling the KMV at semirandom, seeking two other 'uniques'...

Ability Diagnostic Data: Julien is one of the scant few able to traverse the KMV without technological assistance; this innate version consumes large amounts of energy, however (one of the reasons for her relatively rapid innovations in the field). With the use of the energy source known only as The Pencil, this ability enlarges to allow a limited form of time travel. (All uses of this jury-rigged time machine is carefully watched by the author. Neither potential time paradox result would be good.)

Other Notes: In Sigeki, several limited variants of the Trevelyan/Donovan-model transworld engine are sold by a single company founded some time ago. Serena generally takes over its running in the absence of the original, and both work with the Central Administration reasonably often (although rarely in person, for obvious reasons...)
Serena tends to wear blue and grey, while Julien wears red and white; both also tend to use different hairstyles, for the same reason that identical twins tend to.
The new glider she uses appears to be 30% Unit Zero, 30% 'Goblin Glider', 30% Mehve and 10% Fenrir/TARDIS/Other. She seems to be capable of summoning and controlling it mentallly, and can stand on it through turns and so on with minimal visible attachment, possibly through the use of magnetic force.

1 comment:

paradoxically correct said...