Friday, July 25, 2008

Every time I think that the KMV is becoming more understandable/explicable, I come up with something like-- hang on a second, let me try to explain.

So I have the beginnings of a plot for NaNo 2008, 'Conjunction'. It's surprisingly straightforward for something involving Janelle Costley-Donovan.
Until I realize that in terms of external influence, this... basically relies on Darian Trevelyan and Tobias Aligheri (in the Sphere's backstory) beginning a group which is essentially a cross between UNIT and the Patriots, with the ultimate intention of bringing about what would essentially be a variant of Human Instrumentality from Evangelion.

admittedly they never went through with it due to problems which are of the world-ending class (and noticing ominous changes in character alignment), but just the idea is pretty much a NaNoism-class of pure what if you try to describe it in that sort of way.

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