Tuesday, August 05, 2008

re: your color-coding...s

Although the KMV doesn't go in for the strict Good/Bad color-coding, there are a number of different factions and so on that often use their own colors. This has most of its influence on character design. It would also probably be the basis of some kind of puzzle if there were a KMVRPG.

The Central Administration / Sigeki - Alexander's Bureau is mostly, in so much as they have uniforms, blue / silver / black. Helena uses green / white, mostly because she wants to and much like everything else she's ever done nobody dares tell her 'no'.
Most of the other Administration officers seem to go in for 'whatever they want' too. I haven't a clue what the rules are.
Lowen is mostly white / dark brown, with the occasional bronze or red detail. I play the Obscure Reference card and take a turn.

The Sphere - MRA agents are pretty much constantly monochrome (as is Miles, sometimes). Which ties into the secondary faction theory.
Trevelyans are a bit confusing; most commonly it's dark grey / white / some third actual color, in which the last color changes according to which one you're dealing with. Julien's red, and Darian seems to be green. Morganna (the first Trevelyan, way back when) was dark purplish. The second one, who doesn't have a name, was blue. I think. Again, puzzles would be made of this if I needed 'em. (Another instance of blends affecting character design: Darian is much more monochrome than the others because she was, effectively, an agent for most of her admittedly still Chaotic Good existence.)
Donovans also vary by generation. Janelle was mostly dark brown / red, and Sterling is definitely green (Mona is red / gold / green over time). Sigurd seems pretty monochromatic too, with the occasional shot of blue.

... It seems, with the exception of Sterling (and Miles, who's Neutral Good - True Neutral), that the more Lawful you get the more monochromatic you get. Also, roughly 3 of 4 Good characters with known preferred colors wind up being coded green. Except for Helena, who at her absolute best is Lawful Neutral and at worst slips into Neutral Evil (in a sort of ends-justify-the-means way).

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