Tuesday, February 13, 2007


The story begins like this...

There was, at first, a still unknown person. She wielded the power of creation over her own mind. And within herself she crafted humans, their stories, and their world as it amused her. And so this world, forged from the desires of its forger, lived on for a time as it was.
However, times change. And as the creator grew, she grew to dislike her world, the antiquated techniques she had used and the influences which she felt appeared too obvious.
A cataclysm befell this old universe, crashing into all in its path as she wished. Their creator removed this old world from existence as it amused her, as she had created it according to her amusement.
Artifacts survived. A scant few of the stories remained alive as viewed through the dim glass of the intervening years, told through those who had come into possession of these artifacts as myths and legends.
Only six bloodlines survived this catastrophe; they became powerful as the abilities they had possessed in the ancient world grew to fruition once again.
However, just as quickly, these abilities vanished. The new world which had replaced the ancient one became unstable. One of the creator's other creations was used as a catalyst, dividing the remnants of the ancient world and the existence of the new world into
barely-seperated versions of the same planet, offset only by a scant few steps on the interuniversal scale.
Once more, relative peace reigned. Another main threat to the fragility of the now-extant multiverse had not resurfaced for the typical round figure of almost 1000 years as measured by the denizens of both worlds.
But temporary peace does not lead to permanence.
That long divided must unite...

[A/N] Yes, I finally began actually rewriting IH1/IH: Perihelion. This is just a rough draft of the (excessively ominous) prologue. And yes, the elemental-structure existed before Sigeki and Sideworld were concieved--as implied, this isn't the only KMV there's ever been. Yes, the catalyst creation's identity should be obvious. Iris was probably the means that ... well, I ... used to destroy the old KMV. (Yes, I did have to throw in just one more wanton Romance ref. Or homage. There are still microscopic bits of the original mythos left! It's still apt! Except it's not, but...)
And one last yes; you should probably post a comment asking to have it sent / email me / give me your address if you're not Elf, UZ, or Sarai. (Elf--if you don't use your MSN as an email, please tell me.)
Not as if anyone besides them reads this blog. That's just in case. Juuuust in case...

1 comment:

paradoxically correct said...

Argh! Of course I want to read it.
However since I'm late, here's a ... cookie.