Monday, June 02, 2008

well this is something new

Three weeks after he'd gotten the news, just barely enough time to react and get any proper papers filed in this particular system, Miles Vandis finally managed to make the long trek over to Galene--longer with the train delays and the constant snowfall, they should have gotten used to it by now, and the other things he would have been commenting on had there been someone else in his compartment.

But there wasn't.

Apparently, Galene wasn't a terribly popular stop.

By the time he had arrived, most of the snow had melted (late it was summer and she hadn't disappeared she was in his mind all along, apparently) leaving him very close to literally all dressed up and nowhere to go. Eventually, he somehow managed to wind up at the outskirts of town staring at a very red front door.

After he had concluded a nice bout of staring intently, Miles was also a second or two away from losing his nerve and leaving when the door suddenly opened, revealing a nineteen-or-so-year-old with red hair and a face which looked quite familiar.

At a loss for words, he grabbed at the first complete thought. "This door..."

"Yes?" she asked, in a vaguely familiar clipped accent.

"You like it, even though it's so red?"

She stared at him for what seemed like quite some time, before smirking. "Yes, I do. It was fine for the past three generations."

"Ah, is that so." He pondered. "And, er, you are? I was under the impression that this house was abandoned."

"Oh. Looking for things of hers to pick over? Burglar, then? Enthusiastic real-estate agent?" Her voice grew sharper and snapped into a staccato rhythm.

Miles twitched, briefly trying to count how long it had been since he heard that sort of comment before reconsidering reality. "No, I'm a family friend here to see what could become of her will or anything of that sort. Why are you here?"

She scoffed, shifting her weight to the opposite leg. "Family friend, eh? I've never met you before."

And he abruptly began giving her the same type of stare she had turned on him earlier. "There
are living Trevelyans, then?"

"Doctor Julien U. Trevelyan. IV. Don't ask me why they started the numbering thing. It's not as though we share the same full name."

Sadly, the stare continued. It didn't seem as though he would have reason to end any time soon.

"You're Miles, aren't you." Julien broke the silence. "I believe she said... something about you. I can't remember what. It's not important. It was friendly."

"... Yes. I worked with Darian for a while." He paused. "She never told me that she had a daughter, though."

She sighed, turning on her heel just long enough to close the door and brush down her dark grey dress shirt a little. "I get the impression that happened a lot among her friends."

"Probably. She didn't seem the type to bring it up."

"... I'll walk you back to the station," Julien decided after studying him a bit longer. "I may not be a bureaucrat, but all of the will stuff got taken care of right after the declaration. I have a friend who's much better with that sort of thing."

"Is that so." They started walking. "You were away, then...?"

"Polyscience. Since about fourteen. Finished my doctorate a month before I was forced to return."

"Ah. ... Magometrist."

"If a Doctor Trevelyan wasn't a magometrist," Julien said, crossing her arms, "the world would probably end because of sheer implausibility."

"You have a point."

alternative title: "In Regards to the Execution of the Will of Dr. D. Trevelyan III"
Just a scene that wound up in my head.
Probably about seven years before Prismatic
because all timejumps of any sort in the KMV are seven years long. Apart from the Five-Year War in between Aphelion and Perihelion.
Miles Vandis; because the apparent proto-Mikkau needs the same first initial, and only certain names matter for Shout Outs anyhow, just ask Lowen or Sterling (or any of the Costley-Donovans, really.)
Don't look now, miniJulien, but I think you're becoming a bit more human than you seem to aim for generally speaking.
I don't think that Miles is the original accept-no-substitutes library guy (;_;) but he certainly ended up in a similar position.
"you like it, even though it's so red" is a reference to Azumanga Daioh. Miles is not a government-sponsored Santa. Nor can he fly at Mach 100. His powers are limited to mild regeneration, grappling-hook pistols, and fieldskill lockpicking. Also gather information checks. Possibly use device.
I can't help but think this is mildly pointless, though. It's not as though Darian is actually dead I'd imagine (no missing presumed dead character ever seems to be in fiction...) Julien's impossible resistance to ever dying, ever, no matter how many times the world is arrayed against her (with active intent a lot of the time, as opposed to Lowen. Lowen's just selfregulation and balancing mechanisms raaaarh) is almost certainly genetic.
OoooOOoOOOoOoOoo plothooooook I am incoherent now and thus ending. Look, one scene gets tons of notes! How perfectly in character for me, really.

1 comment:

paradoxically correct said...

I thought I recognized that "it's so red" phrase. I was right~! Kaching!

Intriguing. one doesn't see emotion much from the magometrists, but Julien has a way with words.

And interjections of fierce amusement. "HA!~"