Sunday, July 13, 2008

tl;dr brainspam

(Random Tech) "Shields at 80%... 70%-- holding at 70%! Reflective layer dissolving!"
(Kain) "Total damage update?"
(RT) "Minimal, but the Trevelyan Type 40 Engine is damaged."
(Kain) "Oh, we'll pay them back for that a hundred fold..."
(Alexander) "That armada... it's huge. All this for us?"
(Gale) "... All of the stars in the heavens are our enemies...?"
(Helena) "Ha! They're not worthy of being our enemies! So what if the entire world is against you. I'll smash them. Along with space-time itself, if I have to!"
(Alexander) "... Ready the Wave Drive Cannon! Target the central weakness of the CAS Octava!"

So basically Alexander's one in-character dream that I've written is some sort of Gurren Lagann-Romance (based solely on the characters involved, I'll grant) hybrid.
(More than his actual life is, I mean.)
I think he just justified his existence, personally.

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